How to create a new game

Implementing a new game from scratch: the AbstractGame class

The Game class is core to the EGTtools library, as it defines the environment in which strategic interactions take place. All games must extend the AbstractGame abstract class. This class nine methods:

  • play

  • calculate_payoffs

  • calculate_fitness

  • __str__

  • nb_strategies

  • type

  • payoffs

  • payoff

  • save_payoffs

Below you can see a description of this class in Python and the purpose of each method:

class AbstractGame:
    def play(self, group_composition: Union[List[int], numpy.ndarray], game_payoffs: numpy.ndarray) -> None:
        Calculates the payoff of each strategy inside the group.

        group_composition: Union[List[int], numpy.ndarray]
            counts of each strategy inside the group.
        game_payoffs: numpy.ndarray
            container for the payoffs of each strategy

    def calculate_payoffs(self) -> np.ndarray:
    This method should set a numpy.ndarray called self.payoffs_ with the
    expected payoff of each strategy in each possible
    state of the game

    def calculate_fitness(self, strategy_index: int, pop_size: int, population_state: numpy.ndarray) -> float:
    This method should return the fitness of strategy
    with index `strategy_index` for the given `population_state`.

    def __str__(self) -> str:
    This method should return a string representation of the game.

    def nb_strategies(self) -> int:
    This method should return the number of strategies which can play the game.

    def type(self) -> str:
    This method should return a string representing the type of game.

    def payoffs(self) -> np.ndarray:
    This method should return the payoff matrix of the game,
    which gives the payoff of each strategy
    in each given context.

    def payoff(self, strategy: int, group_configuration: List[int]) -> float:
    This method should return the payoff of a strategy
    for a given `group_configuration`, which gives
    the counts of each strategy in the group.
    This method only needs to be implemented for N-player games

    def save_payoffs(self, file_name: str) -> None:
    This method should implement a mechanism to save
    the payoff matrix and parameters of the game to permanent storage.

Simplifying game implementation: AbstractTwoPLayerGame and AbstractNPlayerGame classes

However, in most scenarios the fitness of a strategy at a given population state is its expected payoff at that state. For this reason, egttools provides two other abstract classes to simplify the implementation of new games:

When using these abstract classes, you only need to implement two methods:

  • play and calculate_payoffs.

Example: The N-player Stag-Hunt Game

Below you can find an example on how to implement the N-player Stag Hunt game from Pacheco et al. [1] :

from import AbstractNPlayerGame
from egttools import sample_simplex

class NPlayerStagHunt(AbstractNPlayerGame):

    def __init__(self, group_size, enhancement_factor, cooperation_threshold, cost):
        self.group_size_ = group_size  # N
        self.enhancement_factor_ = enhancement_factor  # F
        self.cooperation_threshold_ = cooperation_threshold  # M
        self.cost_ = cost  # c
        self.strategies = ['Defect', 'Cooperate']

        self.nb_strategies_ = 2
        super().__init__(self.nb_strategies_, self.group_size_)

    def play(self, group_composition: Union[List[int], np.ndarray], game_payoffs: np.ndarray) -> None:
        if group_composition[0] == 0:
            game_payoffs[0] = 0
            game_payoffs[1] = self.cost_ * (self.enhancement_factor_ - 1)
        elif group_composition[1] == 0:
            game_payoffs[0] = 0
            game_payoffs[1] = 0
            game_payoffs[0] = ((group_composition[1]
                                * self.enhancement_factor_)
                               / self.group_size_) if group_composition[
                                                          1] >= self.cooperation_threshold_ else 0  # Defectors
            game_payoffs[1] = game_payoffs[0] - self.cost_  # Cooperators

    def calculate_payoffs(self) -> np.ndarray:
        payoffs_container = np.zeros(shape=(self.nb_strategies_,), dtype=np.float64)
        for i in range(self.nb_group_configurations_):
            # Get group composition
            group_composition = sample_simplex(i, self.group_size_, self.nb_strategies_)
  , payoffs_container)
            for strategy_index, strategy_payoff in enumerate(payoffs_container):
                self.payoffs_[strategy_index, i] = strategy_payoff
            # Reinitialize payoff vector
            payoffs_container[:] = 0

        return self.payoffs_

What if you already have calculated a matrix of expected payoffs?

In case you have calculated a matrix of expected payoffs for all strategies, and do not want to waste time in implementing a new game. You can make use of the container classes for 2-player games and for N-player games.

  • Matrix2PlayerGameHolder:

    This class expects the number of strategies (nb_strategies) in the game and the matrix of expected payoffs as a parameter. The payoff matrix must be square and have the shape (nb_strategies, nb_strategies). So that each entry gives the expected payoff of the row strategy versus the column strategy.

  • MatrixNPlayerGameHolder:

    This class expects the number of strategies (nb_strategies), size of the group (group_size) and the matrix of expected payoffs as a parameter. In this case the payoff matrix must have the shape (nb_strategies, nb_group_configurations), where nb_group_configurations is the total number of combinations of strategies in the group, and can be obtained using egttools.calculate_nb_states(group_size, nb_strategies). Thus, each entry in the matrix must give the expected payoff of the row strategy in the group configuration given by the column index. You can obtain the group configuration from an index using egttools.sample_simplex(index, group_size, nb_strategies). When the row strategy in not present in the column group configuration, the payoff in this entry must be 0.


You can find an example of how to use these classes here.

List of implemented games

  • NormalFormGame: implements iterated normal form games (matrix games).

    This class expects as parameters the number of rounds of the game, a payoff matrix, and a list of strategies that will play the game. You can find more information on how to use implemented strategies or implement new ones here.

  • PGGimplements a version of a Public Goods Game.

    This game expects the size of the group, the cost of cooperation, a multiplication factor and the set of strategies that will play the game as parameters. You can find more information on how to use implemented strategies or implement new ones here.

  • OneShotCRDimplements the one-shot collective risk dilemma described by Santos and Pacheco [2].

    This game takes as parameters and endowment, which will be equal for all group members, the cost of cooperation, the risk of collective failure, the size of the group, and the minimum number of cooperators in a group required to reach the collective target.

  • CRDGameimplements the collective risk dilemma proposed by Milinski et al. [3].

    This game takes as parameters and endowment, which will be equal for all group members, a threshold, i.e., the collective target contributions, the number of rounds of the game, the size of the group, the risk of collective failure, an enhancement factor, which multiples the payoffs of all members of the group when they reach the collective target, and a List with the strategies that will play the game. You can find more information on how to use implemented strategies or implement new ones here.

  • NPlayerStagHuntimplements the N-player stag hunt game proposed in Pacheco et al. [1].

    This game takes as parameters the size of the group, and enhancement factor, a cooperation threshold, i.e., the minimum number of cooperators required to provide the public good, and the cost of cooperation. The game is implemented so that the only strategies playing the game is Cooperate and Defect.