
class GradualTFT(self: egttools.numerical.numerical.behaviors.NormalForm.TwoActions.GradualTFT)

Bases: AbstractNFGStrategy

TFT with two differences: (1) it increases the string of punishing defection responses with each additional defection by its opponent (2) it apologizes for each string of defectionsby cooperating in the subsequent two rounds.



Returns an action in function of time_step round and the previous action action_prev of the opponent.


Indicates whether the strategy is stochastic.


Returns a string indicating the Strategy Type.

__init__(self: egttools.numerical.numerical.behaviors.NormalForm.TwoActions.GradualTFT) None

TFT with two differences: (1) it increases the string of punishing defection responses with each additional defection by its opponent (2) it apologizes for each string of defectionsby cooperating in the subsequent two rounds.

get_action(self: egttools.numerical.numerical.behaviors.NormalForm.TwoActions.GradualTFT, time_step: int, action_prev: int) int

Returns an action in function of time_step round and the previous action action_prev of the opponent.

  • time_step (int) – Current round.

  • action_prev (int) – Previous action of the opponent.


The action selected by the strategy.

Return type


is_stochastic(self: egttools.numerical.numerical.behaviors.NormalForm.TwoActions.GradualTFT) bool

Indicates whether the strategy is stochastic.

type(self: egttools.numerical.numerical.behaviors.NormalForm.TwoActions.GradualTFT) str

Returns a string indicating the Strategy Type.