
class GenerousTFT(self: egttools.numerical.numerical.behaviors.NormalForm.TwoActions.GenerousTFT, R: float, P: float, T: float, S: float)

Bases: AbstractNFGStrategy

Cooperates on the first round and after its opponent cooperates. Following a defection,it cooperates with probability @f[ p(R,P,T,S) = min{1 - frac{T-R}{R-S}, frac{R-P}{T-P}} @f] where R, P, T and S are the reward, punishment, temptation and suckers payoffs.



Returns an action in function of time_step round and the previous action action_prev of the opponent.


Indicates whether the strategy is stochastic.


Returns a string indicating the Strategy Type.

__init__(self: egttools.numerical.numerical.behaviors.NormalForm.TwoActions.GenerousTFT, R: float, P: float, T: float, S: float) None

Cooperates on the first round and after its opponent cooperates. Following a defection,it cooperates with probability @f[ p(R,P,T,S) = min{1 - frac{T-R}{R-S}, frac{R-P}{T-P}} @f] where R, P, T and S are the reward, punishment, temptation and suckers payoffs.

get_action(self: egttools.numerical.numerical.behaviors.NormalForm.TwoActions.GenerousTFT, time_step: int, action_prev: int) int

Returns an action in function of time_step round and the previous action action_prev of the opponent.

  • time_step (int) – Current round.

  • action_prev (int) – Previous action of the opponent.


The action selected by the strategy.

Return type


is_stochastic(self: egttools.numerical.numerical.behaviors.NormalForm.TwoActions.GenerousTFT) bool

Indicates whether the strategy is stochastic.

type(self: egttools.numerical.numerical.behaviors.NormalForm.TwoActions.GenerousTFT) str

Returns a string indicating the Strategy Type.