Source code for

from typing import Union, List

import numpy as np

from . import AbstractNPlayerGame
from .. import sample_simplex, calculate_state
from ..behaviors.CPR.abstract_cpr_strategy import AbstractCPRStrategy

from scipy.stats import multivariate_hypergeom

[docs]class NPlayerStagHunt(AbstractNPlayerGame): """ This game is based on the article Pacheco et al., ‘Evolutionary Dynamics of Collective Action in N -Person Stag Hunt Dilemmas’. """
[docs] def __init__(self, group_size, enhancement_factor, cooperation_threshold, cost): super().__init__(2, group_size) # Must be initialized at the beginning! self.group_size_ = group_size # N self.enhancement_factor_ = enhancement_factor # F self.cooperation_threshold_ = cooperation_threshold # M self.cost_ = cost # c self.strategies = ['Defect', 'Cooperate'] self.nb_strategies_ = 2 self.nb_group_configurations_ = self.nb_group_configurations() self.calculate_payoffs()
[docs] def play(self, group_composition: Union[List[int], np.ndarray], game_payoffs: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Calculate the payoff of each strategy inside the group. $\\Pi_{D}(k) = (kFc)\theta(k-M)$ $\\Pi_{C}(k) = \\Pi_{D}(k) - c$ Parameters ---------- group_composition: Union[List[int], numpy.ndarray] counts of each strategy inside the group. game_payoffs: numpy.ndarray container for the payoffs of each strategy """ if group_composition[0] == 0: game_payoffs[0] = 0 game_payoffs[1] = self.cost_ * (self.enhancement_factor_ - 1) elif group_composition[1] == 0: game_payoffs[0] = 0 game_payoffs[1] = 0 else: game_payoffs[0] = ((group_composition[1] * self.enhancement_factor_) / self.group_size_) if group_composition[ 1] >= self.cooperation_threshold_ else 0 # Defectors game_payoffs[1] = game_payoffs[0] - self.cost_ # Cooperators
[docs] def calculate_payoffs(self) -> np.ndarray: payoffs_container = np.zeros(shape=(self.nb_strategies_,), dtype=np.float64) for i in range(self.nb_group_configurations_): # Get group composition group_composition = sample_simplex(i, self.group_size_, self.nb_strategies_), payoffs_container) for strategy_index, strategy_payoff in enumerate(payoffs_container): self.update_payoff(strategy_index, i, strategy_payoff) # Reinitialize payoff vector payoffs_container[:] = 0 return self.payoffs()
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: string = f''' Python implementation the N-player Stag Hunt Game.\n Game parameters ------- N = {self.group_size_}\n F = {self.enhancement_factor_}\n M = {self.cooperation_threshold_}\n cost = {self.cost_}\n ''' return string
[docs] def type(self) -> str: return "NPlayerStagHunt"
[docs] def save_payoffs(self, file_name: str) -> None: with open(file_name, 'w') as f: f.write('Payoffs for each type of player and each possible state:\n') f.write(f'rows: {" ,".join([strategy for strategy in self.strategies_])}\n') f.write('cols: all possible group compositions starting at (0, 0, ..., group_size)\n') f.write(f'{self.payoffs()}') f.write(f'N = {self.group_size_}\n') f.write(f'F = {self.enhancement_factor_}\n') f.write(f'M = {self.cooperation_threshold_}\n') f.write(f'cost = {self.c_}\n')
[docs]class CommonPoolResourceDilemma(AbstractNPlayerGame):
[docs] def __init__(self, group_size: int, a: float, b: float, min_e: float, cost: float, nb_strategies: int = 3, strategies: List[int] = None): AbstractNPlayerGame.__init__(self, nb_strategies, group_size) # Must be initialized before anything else! self.group_size_ = group_size # N self.a_ = a self.b_ = b self.min_e = min_e self.cost_ = cost self.strategies_ = strategies self.nb_strategies_ = nb_strategies self.nb_group_configurations_ = self.nb_group_configurations() self.calculate_payoffs()
[docs] def calculate_total_extraction(self, group_composition): extraction = 0 for i, nb_players_with_strategy_i in enumerate(group_composition): extraction += self.extraction_strategy(i) * nb_players_with_strategy_i return extraction
[docs] def extraction(self, x, x_total): cost = 0 if x <= self.min_e: cost = self.cost_ return ((x / x_total) * ((self.a_ * x_total) - (self.b_ * x_total * x_total))) - cost
[docs] def play(self, group_composition: Union[List[int], np.ndarray], game_payoffs: np.ndarray) -> None: # Each player's payoff is a function of the value of theirs and other extractiers' extraction x_total = self.calculate_total_extraction(group_composition) for i, strategy_count in enumerate(group_composition): if strategy_count == 0: game_payoffs[i] = 0 else: x = self.extraction_strategy(i) game_payoffs[i] = self.extraction(x, x_total) # UPDATED: ONLY MARKET 2
[docs] def calculate_payoffs(self) -> np.ndarray: payoffs_container = np.zeros(shape=(self.nb_strategies_,), dtype=np.float64) for i in range(self.nb_group_configurations_): # Get group composition group_composition = sample_simplex(i, self.group_size_, self.nb_strategies_), payoffs_container) for strategy_index, strategy_payoff in enumerate(payoffs_container): self.update_payoff(strategy_index, i, strategy_payoff) # Reinitialize payoff vector payoffs_container[:] = 0 return self.payoffs()
[docs] def extraction_strategy(self, strategy_id): if self.strategies_ is not None: return self.strategies_[strategy_id] else: extraction = 0 if strategy_id == 0: extraction = self.min_extraction() elif strategy_id == 1: extraction = self.low_extraction() elif strategy_id == 2: extraction = self.high_extraction() return extraction
[docs] def high_extraction(self): return self.a_ / (self.b_ * self.group_size_)
[docs] def low_extraction(self): group_optimal = self.a_ / (2 * self.b_) # CHECK return group_optimal / self.group_size_
[docs] def min_extraction(self): return self.min_e
[docs] def conditional_low(self, x_total): x = 0 if x_total / self.resource_state_ > self.belief_low_: x = self.low_extraction() else: x = self.high_extraction() return x
[docs]class CommonPoolResourceDilemmaCommitment(AbstractNPlayerGame):
[docs] def __init__(self, group_size: int, a: float, b: float, cost: float, fine: float, strategies: List[AbstractCPRStrategy]): """ Common Pool resource game with commitment, but the threshold is set as another strategy Parameters ---------- group_size: int Size of the group playing the game. a and b: flaot Both a and b are the parameters of the game, if a>>b, then it's attractive to invest in the CPR cost: cost of making the commitment for commitment proposing strategy fine: float fine for defection when accepting the commitment strategies: Lit[int] List of strategies which will play the game """ AbstractNPlayerGame.__init__(self, len(strategies), group_size) # Must be initialized before anything else! self.group_size_ = group_size self.a_ = a self.b_ = b self.fine_ = fine self.cost_ = cost self.strategies_ = strategies self.nb_strategies_ = len(strategies) self.nb_group_configurations_ = self.nb_group_configurations() self.extractions_ = np.zeros(self.nb_group_configurations_, dtype=np.float64) self.calculate_payoffs()
[docs] def play(self, group_composition: Union[List[int], np.ndarray], game_payoffs: np.ndarray) -> None: # Each player's payoff is a function of the value of theirs and other extractiers' extraction commitment_accepted = np.zeros(shape=(self.nb_strategies_,), dtype=bool) nb_committed = self.get_nb_committed(group_composition) self.check_if_commitment_validated(nb_committed, group_composition, commitment_accepted) group_extraction = self.calculate_total_extraction(commitment_accepted, group_composition) for index, strategy_count in enumerate(group_composition): if strategy_count == 0: game_payoffs[index] = 0 else: extraction = self.strategies_[index].get_extraction(self.a_, self.b_, self.group_size_, commitment_accepted[index]) game_payoffs[index] = self.strategies_[index].get_payoff(self.a_, self.b_, extraction, group_extraction, self.fine_, self.cost_, commitment_accepted[index]) self.add_group_extraction(group_extraction, group_composition)
[docs] def calculate_payoffs(self) -> np.ndarray: payoffs_container = np.zeros(shape=(self.nb_strategies_,), dtype=np.float64) for i in range(self.nb_group_configurations_): # Get group composition group_composition = sample_simplex(i, self.group_size_, self.nb_strategies_), payoffs_container) for strategy_index, strategy_payoff in enumerate(payoffs_container): self.update_payoff(strategy_index, i, strategy_payoff) # Reinitialize payoff vector payoffs_container[:] = 0 return self.payoffs()
[docs] def calculate_total_extraction(self, commitment_accepted: np.ndarray, group_composition: Union[List[int], np.ndarray]) -> float: extraction = 0 for index, strategy_count in enumerate(group_composition): if strategy_count > 0: extraction += strategy_count * self.strategies_[index].get_extraction(self.a_, self.b_, self.group_size_, commitment_accepted[index]) return extraction
[docs] def get_nb_committed(self, group_composition: Union[List[int], np.ndarray]) -> int: nb_committed = 0 for index, strategy_count in enumerate(group_composition): nb_committed += strategy_count * self.strategies_[index].would_like_to_commit() return nb_committed
[docs] def check_if_commitment_validated(self, nb_committed: int, group_composition: Union[List[int]], commitment_accepted: np.ndarray) -> None: validated = False # A commitment will only be validated if a commitment proposing strategy is present in the group for index, strategy_count in enumerate(group_composition): if strategy_count > 0: if self.strategies_[index].proposes_commitment(): commitment_accepted[index] = self.strategies_[index].is_commitment_validated(nb_committed) validated = commitment_accepted[index] # If there is a commitment proposing strategy in the group for which the commitment would be validated # Then we check for every other strategy if they would be part of the commitment if validated: for index, strategy_count in enumerate(group_composition): if strategy_count > 0: if not self.strategies_[index].proposes_commitment(): commitment_accepted[index] = self.strategies_[index].is_commitment_validated(validated)
[docs] def add_group_extraction(self, group_extraction, group_composition): self.extractions_[ calculate_state(group_size=self.group_size_, group_composition=group_composition)] = group_extraction
[docs] def calculate_expected_consumption(self, population_state: np.ndarray) -> float: # multivariate PDF rv = multivariate_hypergeom(population_state, self.group_size_) expected_extraction = 0.0 # Iterate over all possible group compositions for i in range(self.nb_group_configurations_): group_composition = sample_simplex(i, self.group_size_, self.nb_strategies_) # Estimate probability of the current group composition expected_extraction += self.extractions_[i] * rv.pmf(x=group_composition) return expected_extraction