Source code for egttools.analytical.utils

# Copyright (c) 2019-2021  Elias Fernandez
# This file is part of EGTtools.
# EGTtools is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# EGTtools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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import numpy
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import root
from scipy.linalg import eigvals
from typing import Tuple, List, Optional, Callable
from .sed_analytical import StochDynamics, replicator_equation, replicator_equation_n_player
from .. import sample_unit_simplex

[docs]def get_pairwise_gradient_from_replicator(i: int, j: int, x: float, nb_strategies: int, payoffs: np.ndarray, freq_array: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> float: """ Calculate the gradient for strategy/type `i` at the edges of the simplex (when there are only two strategies in the population `i` and `j`). Parameters ---------- i: int index of the strategy whose gradient we wish to calculate j: int index of the other strategy present in the population x: float frequency of i type nb_strategies: int total number of strategies in the population payoffs: numpy.ndarray payoff matrix that defines the expected payoff of any give strategy against each other freq_array: Optional[numpy.ndarray] optional vector to store the frequencies of each strategy in the population Returns ------- float The gradient of strategy i. """ if freq_array is None: freq_array = np.zeros(shape=(nb_strategies,)) else: freq_array[:] = 0 freq_array[i] = x freq_array[j] = 1. - x return replicator_equation(freq_array, payoffs)[i]
[docs]def get_pairwise_gradient_from_replicator_n_player(i: int, j: int, x: float, nb_strategies: int, group_size: int, payoffs: np.ndarray, freq_array: Optional[np.ndarray] = None) -> float: """ Calculate the gradient for strategy/type `i` at the edges of the simplex (when there are only two strategies in the population `i` and `j`). Parameters ---------- i: int index of the strategy whose gradient we wish to calculate j: int index of the other strategy present in the population x: float frequency of i type nb_strategies: int total number of strategies in the population group_size: int size of the group payoffs: numpy.ndarray payoff matrix that defines the expected payoff of any give strategy against each other freq_array: Optional[numpy.ndarray] optional vector to store the frequencies of each strategy in the population Returns ------- float The gradient of strategy i. """ if freq_array is None: freq_array = np.zeros(shape=(nb_strategies,)) else: freq_array[:] = 0 freq_array[i] = x freq_array[j] = 1. - x return replicator_equation_n_player(freq_array, payoffs, group_size)[i]
[docs]def check_if_there_is_random_drift(payoff_matrix: np.ndarray, population_size: Optional[int] = None, group_size: int = 2, beta: Optional[float] = None, nb_points: int = 10, atol: float = 1e-7 ) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: """ Checks if there is random drift along the edge between two strategies in the simplex. Parameters ---------- payoff_matrix: numpy.ndarray The square matrix of payoffs. If the game is pairwise (group_size = 2) then each entry represents the payoff of the row strategy vs the column strategy. If the group_size > 2, then each entry should be a function that will return the payoff of the row strategy in a group of size N with N-k members of the column strategy. If you only have a matrix where the columns represent all possible game states, then you can use the function `egttools.utils.transform_payoffs_to_pairwise` to get a matrix in the correct form. population_size: Optional[int] The size of the population. If this value is not given, we assume that we calculate the dynamics in infinite populations using the replicator_equation. group_size: int The size of the group. If you specify population size, you should also specify this value. By default we assume that the game is pairwise. beta: Optional[float] The intensity of selection.If you specify population size, you should also specify this value. nb_points: int Number of points for which to check the gradient. It is 10 by default. atol: float Tolerance to consider a value zero Returns ------- List[Tuple[int, int]] A list of tuples indicating the undirected edged where there should be random drift. """ # To check if there is random drift, the transition probabilities should be zero points = np.linspace(0, 1, nb_points) f = None if population_size is None: freq_array = np.zeros(shape=(payoff_matrix.shape[0])) if group_size == 2: def gradient_function(i, j, x): return get_pairwise_gradient_from_replicator(i, j, x, payoff_matrix.shape[0], payoff_matrix, freq_array) else: def gradient_function(i, j, x): return get_pairwise_gradient_from_replicator_n_player(i, j, x, payoff_matrix.shape[0], group_size, payoff_matrix, freq_array) f = gradient_function else: if beta is None: raise Exception("the beta parameter must be specified!") evolver = StochDynamics(payoff_matrix.shape[0], payoff_matrix, population_size, group_size) def gradient_function(i, j, x): return evolver.gradient_selection(np.floor(x * population_size).astype(np.int64), i, j, beta) f = gradient_function solutions = [] for row_strategy in range(payoff_matrix.shape[0]): # we don't want to look at the case where j==i for col_strategy in range(row_strategy + 1, payoff_matrix.shape[0]): gradients = [] for point in points: res = f(row_strategy, col_strategy, point) gradients.append(res) if np.allclose(gradients, 0., atol=atol): solutions.append((row_strategy, col_strategy)) return solutions
[docs]def find_roots_and_stability(gradient_function: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], nb_strategies: int, nb_initial_random_points: int = 3, atol: float = 1e-7, atol_neg: float = 1e-4, atol_pos: float = 1e-4, atol_zero: float = 1e-4, tol_close_points: float = 1e-4, method: str = 'hybr') -> Tuple[List[np.array], List[int]]: """ Searches for the roots of the differential equation `gradient_function` and calculates the stability based on an estimate of the Jacobian. This estimate is often imprecise which leads to wrong results. Parameters ---------- gradient_function: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray] function that returns a numpy.ndarray with the gradient of every strategy/type given a current population state. nb_strategies: int number of strategies/types present in the population. nb_initial_random_points: int number of random points to use as initial states for the root function. These are additional to the vertex of the simplex. atol: float tolerance for considering that a point is in the simplex. atol_neg: float tolerance to consider a value negative. atol_pos: float tolerance to consider a value positive. atol_zero: float tolerance to determine if a value is zero. tol_close_points: float tolerance for considering that two points are equal. method: str one of the options described in `scipy.optimize.root` (see Returns ------- Tuple[List[np.array], List[int]] A tuple containing the list of roots and a list with 1 indicating stable points, 0 saddle points and -1 unstable points. """ # we test all the vertex of the simplex and some random initial points initial_states = [[0 if i != j else 1 for i in range(nb_strategies)] for j in range(nb_strategies)] for i in range(nb_initial_random_points): initial_states.append(sample_unit_simplex(nb_strategies)) initial_states = np.asarray(initial_states) roots = [] stability = [] for initial_state in initial_states: sol = root(gradient_function, initial_state, method=method, jac=False) if sol.success: v = sol.x if check_if_point_in_unit_simplex(v, atol): # only add new fixed points to list if not np.array([np.allclose(v, x, atol=tol_close_points) for x in roots]).any(): roots.append(v) # now we check the stability of the roots using the jacobian eigenvalues = eigvals(sol.fjac) print(eigenvalues) # If all eigenvalues are negatives or zero it's stable if (eigenvalues.real < -atol_neg).all() or np.array( [np.isclose(el, 0., atol=atol_zero) for el in eigenvalues.real[eigenvalues.real > -atol_neg]]).all(): stability.append(1) # If all eigenvalues are positive or zero it's unstable elif (eigenvalues.real > atol_pos).all() or np.array( [np.isclose(el, 0., atol=atol_zero) for el in eigenvalues.real[eigenvalues.real < atol_pos]]).all(): stability.append(-1) else: # saddle point # This is probably wrong, but let's first assume that if we reach here, the point is a saddle stability.append(0) # # we need to check the hessian matrix to find out if the point is a saddle # eigenvalues, _ = np.linalg.eig(sol.hess) # if (eigenvalues > 0).any() and (eigenvalues < 0).any(): # stability.append(0) return roots, stability
[docs]def check_if_point_in_unit_simplex(point: np.ndarray, delta: float = 1e-12) -> bool: """ Checks if a point (in barycentric coordinates) is inside the unit simplex. Parameters ---------- point: numpy.ndarray The barycentric coordinates of the point. delta: float Tolerance to consider a point outside the unit simplex. Returns ------- bool Whether the point is inside the unit simplex. """ if not np.isclose(np.sum(point), 1., atol=1.e-2): return False if not np.all((point > -delta) & (point < 1 + delta)): # only if fp in simplex return False return True
[docs]def calculate_gradients(population_states: np.ndarray, gradient_function: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculates the gradients of selection of each of the states given in `population_states`. Parameters ---------- population_states: numpy.ndarray A numpy array of shape (m,n) where n is the number of strategies in the population and m the number of states for which the gradient should be calculated. gradient_function: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray] A function which accepts a vector of shape (n,) containing the frequencies of each strategy/type in the population, and returns another vector of shape (n,) containing the gradient for each strategy. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A numpy array of shape (m,n) containing the gradients for each of the input states given in `population_states`. """ return np.array([gradient_function(population_states[i]) for i in range(population_states.shape[0])])
[docs]def find_roots(gradient_function: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray], nb_strategies: int, nb_initial_random_points: int = 3, atol: float = 1e-7, tol_close_points: float = 1e-4, method: str = 'hybr') -> List[np.ndarray]: """ Searches for the roots of the given differential equation. Parameters ---------- gradient_function: Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray] function that returns a numpy.ndarray with the gradient of every strategy/type given a current population state. nb_strategies: int number of strategies/types present in the population. nb_initial_random_points: int number of random points to use as initial states for the root function. These are additional to the vertex of the simplex. atol: float tolerance for considering that a point is in the simplex. tol_close_points: float tolerance for considering that two points are equal. method: str one of the options described in `scipy.optimize.root` (see Returns ------- List[numpy.ndarray] A list of tuples with the identified roots/stationary points. """ # we test all the vertex of the simplex and some random initial points initial_states = [[0 if i != j else 1 for i in range(nb_strategies)] for j in range(nb_strategies)] for i in range(nb_initial_random_points): initial_states.append(sample_unit_simplex(nb_strategies)) initial_states = np.asarray(initial_states) roots = [] for initial_state in initial_states: sol = root(gradient_function, initial_state, method=method, jac=False) if sol.success: v = sol.x if check_if_point_in_unit_simplex(v, atol): # only add new fixed points to list if not np.array([np.allclose(v, x, atol=tol_close_points) for x in roots]).any(): roots.append(v) return roots
[docs]def check_replicator_stability_pairwise_games(stationary_points: List[numpy.ndarray], payoff_matrix: numpy.ndarray, atol_neg: float = 1e-4, atol_pos: float = 1e-4, atol_zero: float = 1e-4) -> List[int]: """ Calculates the stability of the roots assuming that they are from a system governed by the replicator equation (this function uses the Jacobian of the replicator equation in pairwise games to calculate the stability). Parameters ---------- stationary_points: List[numpy.ndarray] a list of stationary points (represented as numpy.ndarray). payoff_matrix: numpy.ndarray a payoff matrix represented as a numpy.ndarray. atol_neg: float tolerance to consider a value negative. atol_pos: float tolerance to consider a value positive. atol_zero: float tolerance to determine if a value is zero. Returns ------- List[int] A list of integers indicating the stability of the stationary points for the replicator equation: 1 - stable -1 - unstable 0 - saddle """ def fitness(i: int, x: np.ndarray): return, x)[i] # First we build a Jacobian matrix def jacobian(x: numpy.ndarray): ax =, x) avg_fitness =, ax) jac = [[x[i] * (payoff_matrix[i, j] -, payoff_matrix[:, j])) if i != j else ( fitness(i, x) - avg_fitness + x[i] * (payoff_matrix[i, i] -, payoff_matrix[:, i]))) for i in range(len(x))] for j in range(len(x))] return np.asarray(jac) stability = [] for point in stationary_points: # now we check the stability of the roots using the jacobian eigenvalues = eigvals(jacobian(point)) # If all eigenvalues are negatives or zero it's stable if (eigenvalues.real < -atol_neg).all() or np.array( [np.isclose(el, 0., atol=atol_zero) for el in eigenvalues.real[eigenvalues.real > -atol_neg]]).all(): stability.append(1) # If all eigenvalues are positive or zero it's unstable elif (eigenvalues.real > atol_pos).all() or np.array( [np.isclose(el, 0., atol=atol_zero) for el in eigenvalues.real[eigenvalues.real < atol_pos]]).all(): stability.append(-1) else: # saddle point # This is probably wrong, but let's first assume that if we reach here, the point is a saddle stability.append(0) # # we need to check the hessian matrix to find out if the point is a saddle # eigenvalues, _ = np.linalg.eig(sol.hess) # if (eigenvalues > 0).any() and (eigenvalues < 0).any(): # stability.append(0) return stability